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Browser testing is hard. Let's go shopping


Tonight at the monthly meetup, I gave a talk about how to test your web application in a real browser. This blog entry is a collection of the steps I went through while running live demos showcasing my module Test::Mojo::Role::Selenium.

My module uses Selenium::Remote::Driver which is a library that communicates with desktop browsers, such as Google Chrome, Firefox or even Internet Explorer. It comes bundled with test modules, but I wanted an interface that looks and feels like Mojolicious’s test module Test::Mojo, since that module really makes testing fun.

Even if the module is a Test::Mojo role, it is not restricted to the Mojolicious web framework. The module can test any web site, as long as you have a web server running.

Why do you want to use this module?

Testing the HTTP messages for headers and body is great, but as soon as you make something other than an API or very simple web page, you should also test the user experience of the web app. Testing the JavaScript for dynamic web pages is the first that comes to mind, but responsive web pages also need testing, to see how elements are laid out on different screen sizes.

Test::Mojo::Role::Selenium allows you to write and run user experience tests in the browser of your selection. The syntax is very simple and it has sane defaults to avoid boilerplate in each test.


To get started, you need to install the module and some executables that act as a glue between your test script and the browser of your selection.

# Install the test module
$ cpanm Test::Mojo::Role::Selenium

# Install Google Chrome, Firefox and PhantomJS drivers
$ brew install chromedriver
$ brew install geckodriver
$ brew install phantomjs

# Install the Selenium driver (requires jdk8)
# brew install selenium-server-standalone

There are probably similar packages for your favorite operating system. The brew commands above are simply a cheat sheet for the presentation.

While preparing this article I wanted to get the demos running with Firefox, but I was not able to get the Selenium::Firefox module to work together with the geckodriver executable. Seems like the integration between firefox and geckodriver are under heavy development. Please let me know in the comments area below if I’m wrong. I did however manage to get Firefox running using the selenium-server. (I had to install Java though…)

You can change between the different backends using the MOJO_SELENIUM_DRIVER. environment variable. Note that Selenium::Chrome and Selenium::Firefox will start and stop the browser together with the test script, while Selenium::Remote::Driver (which uses selenium-server) require an external Selenium service to run.

Testing against a live web server

The first demo was to show that you can use the module to test any web site. The test mojolicious.t connects to, checks for certain elements and fills in the search form, runs some JavaScript commands and then checks if the search result page was loaded.

Here are the commands I went through to run the demo:

$ mkdir -p test-selenium/t
$ cd test-selenium
$ vim t/mojolicious.t
# copy/paste from t/mojolicious.t below

# Test with Google chrome
$ TEST_SELENIUM= prove -vl t/mojolicious.t

# Test with Firefox
$ MOJO_SELENIUM_DRIVER=Selenium::Firefox \
  prove -vl t/mojolicious.t

# or...
$ MOJO_SELENIUM_DRIVER=Selenium::Remote::Driver \
  prove -vl t/mojolicious.t

The commands above should run the test script in various browser and result in a successful test run. Note that the environment variable TEST_SELENIUM need to be set, or the tests will be skipped. The reason for this is that I think in most cases the Selenium tests should not be run when installing a cpan module, nor being run on services such as Travis CI.

Testing against a local Mojolicious application

The next demo, internal.t, run tests agains a Mojolicious application. Using a Mojo app gives you some more features: In addition to test what is shown inside the browser, you can test headers and other “hidden” information that is exchanged over the HTTP protocol.

$ vim t/internal.t
# copy/paste from t/internal.t below

# Test with PhantomJS
$ TEST_SELENIUM=1 prove -vl t/internal.t

Since the test script does not set MOJO_SELENIUM_DRIVER, it will use the default browser which is the headless browser PhantomJS. This browser is quite fast to start up, but might miss some features that is only available in Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer.

The headless version also takes screenshots which are saved to the operating system’s temp directory. This can be changed by specifying screenshot_directory.

A more complex real life example

The last demo was to look at some tests for the Convos chat web application. The web app is a Mojolicious server that allows you to be persistently conected to IRC servers and communicate with other IRC users through your web browser. The frontend is powered by Vuejs, which is a reactive JavaScript library that can only be tested through the web browser.

The test suite feature many browser tests, (Look for the tests starting with selenium-) but the two tests that was demoed was selenium-url.t and selenium-register.t.


selenium-url.t simply tests the URL library url.js which is a URL parser and generator.

It does that by calling $t->driver->execute_script(...) which is a Selenium::Remote::Driver method for running JavaScript code inside the browser. The result from the method is then tested with normal Test::More functions.


selenium-register.t is a bit more complicated test that uses more features from Test::Mojo::Role::Selenium.

It uses wait_for to wait for elements that are injected dynamically to the document. wait_for() is a simple version of the more complex wait_until method that runs a function until the function returns a true value or a timeout runs out.

The end

I hope this introduction gave you an idea of what Test::Mojo::Role::Selenium can do, and makes testing fun again.




use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Test::Mojo::WithRoles "Selenium";
use Test::More;

$ENV{MOJO_SELENIUM_DRIVER} ||= 'Selenium::Chrome';

my $t = Test::Mojo::WithRoles->new->setup_or_skip_all;

$t->set_window_size([1024, 768]);

$t->live_text_is('a[href="#GUIDES"]' => 'GUIDES');

  ->send_keys_ok("input[name=q]", ["render", \"return"]);

$t->wait_until(sub { $_->get_current_url =~ qr{q=render} });
$t->live_value_is("input[name=search]", "render");



use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Test::Mojo::WithRoles "Selenium";
use Test::More;

use Mojolicious::Lite;
get "/home" => "index";

my $t = Test::Mojo::WithRoles->new->setup_or_skip_all;

  ->header_is("Server" => "Mojolicious (Perl)")
  ->text_is("p" => "Hello!")
  ->live_text_is("p" => "Hello!")
  ->send_keys_ok("input[name=test]", ["Yikes", \"enter"]);



@@ index.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
  %= form_for "index", begin
    %= text_field 'test', autofocus => 1
    %= submit_button
  % end