
Unknown error.

A #Mojolicious lite app that use \@Cloudinary


So earlier this week I’ve written about How to deliver your images through Cloudinary with Perl and Cloudinary examples for applying effects to your images. Today I’m posting a Mojolicious lite app which can upload images to your Cloudinary account, show them on a web page and allow the visitor to delete them.

The example use javascript to load the images, which can be useful if you want to load one version on a small device and another one on a desktop computer.

You should store the public IDs in some sort of local database (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, …) to make the data persistent.

let’s keep it simple for the sake of the example app.

is not valid for the cloud_name “demo”.


Mojolicious lite app example

use Mojolicious::Lite;

# your params can be found at
plugin cloudinary => {
    api_key => '1234567890',
    api_secret => 'your-super-s3cret',
    cloud_name => 'demo', # your cloud name

# this need to be some sort of backend database
my $persistent_storage = { horses => time };

get '/' => 'index';

post '/image' => sub {
    my $self = shift;

        file => scalar $self->req->upload('some_file_field'),
        on_success => sub {
            my($res, $tx) = @_;
            $self->stash(message => 'The image was uploaded');
            $self->app->persistent_storage->{$res->{'public_id'}} = time;
            $self->render(template => 'index');
        on_error => sub {
            my($res, $tx) = @_;
            $self->stash(message =>
                $res ? $res->{'error'}{'message'}
                    : 'Could not upload the image');
            $self->render(template => 'index');

get '/image/:public_id/delete' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = $self->param('public_id');

        public_id => $id,
        on_success => sub {
            $self->stash(message => 'The image was destroy');
            delete $self->app->persistent_storage->{$id};
            $self->render(template => 'index');
        on_error => sub {
            my($res, $tx) = @_;
            $self->stash(message =>
                $res ? $res->{'error'}{'message'}
                    : 'Could not destroy the image');
            $self->render(template => 'index');

app->defaults(cloud_name => 'demo', message => '', images => $persistent_storage);

@@ layouts/default.html.ep
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title><%= title %></title></head>
%= javascript '/js/jquery.js'
%= javascript '';
%= javascript begin
$(document).ready(function() {
    $.cloudinary.config('cloud_name', '<%= $cloud_name %>');
% end
<body><%= content %></body>

@@ index.html.ep
% layout 'default';
% title 'Upload image example';

% if($message) {
<p><%= $message %></p>
% }

%= form_for '/image', method => 'post', enctype => 'multipart/form-data', begin
        %= file_field 'some_file_field';
        %= submit_button 'Upload';
% end

% for my $id (keys %$images) {
    %= $id
    %= cloudinary_js_image "$id.jpg", { width => 300 };
    %= link_to "Delete $id", 'imagepublic_iddelete', { public_id => $id };
% }