
Unknown error.

Fixed overscan


I’ve been googling for quite som time now, and finally I found settings that works for my 720p DFP.

I don’t think the specs are important, but I’ll list them anyway:


Section "Monitor"
    Identifier  "Generic Monitor"
    ModeLine    "720p"          74.5   1216 1272 1400 1664  684  685  688  746 -hsync +vsync
   #ModeLine    "overscan"      61.8   1280 1390 1430 1648  720  725  730  750 +hsynv +vsync
   #ModeLine    "1152x672"      74.25  1152 1326 1366 1650  672  701  706  750 +hsync +vsync
   #ModeLine    "720p"          73.825 1280 1320 1368 1640  720  722  724  751 +hsync +vsync
   #Modeline    "1208x679"      74.25  1208 1353 1393 1650  679  707  712  750 +hsync +vsync
   #Modeline    "1840x1016"    148.5   1840 1966 2004 2206 1016 1052 1057 1125 +hsync +vsync
   #ModeLine    "1840x1016@60" 148.5   1840 1966 2004 2206 1016 1052 1057 1125 +hsync +vsync
   #ModeLine    "1280x720@60"   74.5   1280 1336 1472 1664  720  721  724  746 -hsync +vsync
   #ModeLine    "800x600@60"    40.0    800  840  968 1056  600  601  605  628 +hsync +vsync
   #DisplaySize 320 180

Section "Screen"
    Identifier  "Default Screen"
    Device      "NVIDIA"
    Monitor     "Generic Monitor"
    Option      "NoLogo"                "true"
    Option      "BackingStore"          "true"
    Option      "RenderAccel"           "true"
    Option      "RandRRotation"         "true"
    Option      "AllowDDCCI"            "true"
    Option      "HWCursor"              "true"
    Option      "NoBandWidthTest"       "true"
    Option      "NoPowerConnectorTest"  "true"
    Option      "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"
    Option      "AddARGBGLXVisuals"     "true"
    Option      "ExactModeTimeingsDVI"  "true"
   #Option      "DPI"                   "100x100"
    Option      "ModeValidation"        "AllowNon60HzDFPModes, NoMaxPClkCheck,
                                         AllowInterlacedModes, NoMaxSizeCheck,
                                         NoVirtualSizeCheck,   NoVesaModes,
    Option      "FlatPanelProperties"   "Scaling = centered, Dithering = enabled"
    Defaultdepth 24
    SubSection "Display"
        Depth 24
        Modes "720p"


ModeLine “720p” : This is the modeline that works for me. I’ve commented out the other modelines that not work.

Option ModeValidation : Not quite sure if all of these params are nescessarly, but I guess the most important param is “NoDFPNativeResolutionCheck”.

Option FlatPanelProperties : “Scaling = centered” makes the resolution from the modeline centered, instead of stretched. This is really important, since it will not help no matter which resolution you use, if it gets stretched.

Modes 720p : Here I force xorg to use the modeline I defined earlier, instead of using nvidia’s auto-detected resolutions.

Option DPI : I’ve commented this one out, but you might need to set it manually if xorg does some strange calculations. DisplaySize might also help you out.
