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Testing with a real database


Writing tests against a database is a struggle. Maybe the best way is to not test against a database at all, but providing a mocked interface instead. Even if this could be true in many cases, you still need to write integration tests for your models against a real database.

This post digs into various setups you can choose from, and explains why one of the solutions was chosen as the specification for a new module called DBIx::TempDB.

The term “unit test” will be used on some occasions, even many people would argue that anything else than a mocked API to your database are indeed an “integration test”. This post will not argue against this, but the important thing is not using the right words, but that you actually test your code.

The goal

The goal is to be able to test the library you’re writing actually can run the SQL in the database and retrieve/insert/update a given set of data. This is trivial if…

The challenge comes when…


In memory database

For many years I have been writing code that should work against MySQL and/or PostgresSQL, but running my unit tests against a SQLite database. The reason for this is that SQLite has this cool feature where you can create an in-memory database which then will be cleaned up automatically when the process exit.

The problem is just that writing code that execute Pg/MySQL SQL against SQLite isn’t trivial and often require hacks such as:

return $NOT_REALLY_MY_DB ? "select 'some sqlite query'" : "select 'some pg query'";

Running the test suite with Devel::Cover will then reveal many branches that are not tested, which means that your code isn’t really tested at all.

When that is said: Using this solution when your application is supposed to use a SQLite backend is a very nice solution. Or… Not really: This won’t work if you run code that forks or makes multiple database handles.

Dan Book has solved this in Mojo::SQLite by adding support for the “:temp:” database which creates a temp file on disk. This is probably a lot more robust.

Using a transaction

Running tests inside a transaction isolates the queries, leaving the initial state untouched. This can work nicely for very small and specific tests, but it has a number of issues:

This solution is probably the worst. The reason is that the isolation level is very sensitive to changes in the code, and tests might start failing without any apparent reason.

Personal database server

There are several modules that allow you to spin up a test server for each test. Modules such as Test::mysqld works nicely, but the problem is that it takes seconds for each test to start because of the overhead of starting the server. This is no good, since a test suite that takes too long to run is a test suite that won’t be run!

For Redis, you can use Mojo::Redis2::Server which works since the Redis server starts almost instantly.

A personal server could be the only way to go though, since some shared servers will not give you enough rights to set up your own test databases. Also, this is probably required if you want to test cases such as when a database unexpectedly shuts down.

Shared database server

A shared database avoids the start up time of a personal database server, but provides pretty much the same functionality.

The caveat of this solution is, however, that you need to configure the server with enough permission for each user to create their own database. This means that this should probably be a custom server, not shared with any other environment. This should make perfect sense, that you don’t run your tests against the same server as the one used in for example a production environment.

To be able to run tests in parallel and concurrently with other users, the module had to be able to generate databases on the fly. It also had to be able to drop/delete the databases after a test run automatically, to avoid filling up the server. The result of this specification is a module called DBIx::TempDB.

This module will drop/delete the temporary database when the process exits. This is done in various ways, which can be configured by the user: The default is to drop/delete the database when the object goes out of scope. This is good enough for many cases, but since a test script might end in various ways there are two other options:

It is also possible to disable all of this by setting the environment variable DBIX_TEMP_DB_KEEP_DATABASE to a true value. This require you to drop/delete the database manually, but it allows you to inspect the data with standard tools for further investigation if a test fail.

The end

I hope DBIx::TempDB will encourage you to write more and better tests.

The module is currently marked as “EXPERIMENTAL”. This will go away when I have battle tested the code at work, but it can also go away if you tell me that something is useful or awful. Please create an issue, add a comment below or send me an email if you have any feedback.
